Friday, March 12, 2010

19 weeks pregnant...

I'm super excited that I've made it this far...the furthest I've ever made it before was 13 weeks. I'm really starting to feel like this is really real...that in as little as 4 short months I will be the mother of a little boy! I can't really describe the feeling that I have,I mean,we tried so long and hard for this and now it's really gonna happen! To tell you the truth,I never thought it would. I had completely given up on the idea of ever having kids of our own and was trying to talk Jeff into adoption. And did. I still couldn't believe it when the stick turned positive and I went out and bought several more and peed on them daily until my first appointment. Jeff finally made me stop. I feel a lot better about it now because I can feel the little guy move...he likes to move at night and kick me in the bladder...but I wouldn't have it any other way! The only ailment I have really had is my sciatic nerve,that has bothered me for about 6 years. So not totally a pregnancy issue but annoying...

I love the feeling of knowing that I have made it halfway and I'm now in the 2nd half of this pregnancy. Sometimes I feel as though time can't go any slower and then I look back and see how far I've come and it makes me smile. My next appointment is on the 22nd and I'll get to look at all his organs and everything! Hopefully the crazy lady Dr won't piss me off about my weight...I get it that she's skinny,but I'm not. Get over it lady! I don't sit around and eat Bon Bons all day so stfu already! I'm so excited to see my little man again!! I can't wait until I get to hold him in my arms!

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