Thursday, November 13, 2008

Reproductive endocrinologist Appointment

So after WAY too much procrastinating and a lot of heartache and denial I have finally made an appointment with a fertility specialist.I'm on the list now and waiting for January 13. It can't come soon enough!!!

I have always been the type of person that wants to do stuff on my own and this is one of those things. I always thought that I was gonna be a mom and there was no way that I couldn't do it the old fashioned way. I have given that up and realized that in less than a year I will be 27 years old,that may sound young to some people but when you are talking about fertility it makes a difference. I always wanted 2 kids by the time I was 30 and I am trying to take charge of that dream right now. So now I hand it over to God and the RE and hopefully my dream will come true soon,and if it doesn't then I guess we will pursue other options.

I have given myself a personal limit of 1 year. After 1 year of whatever it is that they want to do to me,if I don't have a viable pregnancy then we will move on to adoption or surrogacy. Please keep Jeff and I in your prayers.


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